IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 5 Issue 5 | Page 44

SHAKERS & MOVERS n BUSINESS COACH Running a successful business requires focus, tenacity, a winning attitude and most of all–Balance. If we´re living a balanced life where we feel fulfilled while serving through our most desired ways of serving, the results that come out in the other end often times have a way of matching that “vibration”. So, how can we possibly heal both our finances and health in one and the same blow?... By letting the answers come from the same source. By High-Ticket Branding Expert, Samir Di Johansson H aving been a martial artist since the a ge of five, I can easily tell you that solutions for both immediate, efficient reactions in both a bout, love, and business stems from having a balanced and relaxed mind. Anti-stress methods give us a clearer head and makes it easier for us to SEE the solu- tions we´ve been looking for. The way we start our day is the way we finish our day. So, in order to end our day with greater productivity, results and fulfil- ment than the day before, we should aim at beginning our day in an even better way than we did the day before. Improvement, energy and productivity comes from within. And feeling inspired and motivated results in maximum heart- felt productivity. Here are five hacks for how you can successfully achieve exact- ly these outcomes. As soon as you open your eyes in the morning: ✓ Drink a big glass of lemon water ✓ Take a brisk morning walk ✓ Include deep breathing ✓ Affirm your gratitude ✓ Visualize in peace When water is present, it makes it easier for your body to transport both oxygen and nutrients into your cells. Starting out your day with moderate impact movement and the resulting deep breath- ing, automatically ignites your cells with an increased amount of oxygen, which paves the way for the desired clarity of thinking. By starting out your day in this fashion you automatically activate the law of vibration. After a brisk morning walk, including the mentioned elements for a window of about 42 IBA Success Magazine n VOL 5, Issue 5 4 minutes for each, you should end up with a considerably higher mental state that is now more focused on the given upcoming daily activities—and you should now feel in- spired to rock and conquer! Another advantage is when we walk we often times find solutions we had never before thought about. Activity = Oxygen = Clarity = Solutions. At this point your cells are now vibrating at a much higher frequency simply because you feel better and more motivated. A higher frequency that is matching where you´d like to be, will attract the necessary events throughout your day that represents the solutions you´ve been looking for. On the strategy side, you will now need to act on these new pointers and ideas which you´re being presented to. Thus, visualizing your desired outcome as it has already happened—alone, does not equal results. You will need to ACT on the inspired pointers for actions to take on a consistent basis, in order to close the gap between where you are and where you´d like to be. At the same time, as we have started out our day with visualizing and BEING in the actual mental state which resonates with where we most desirably wish to be, we have now also activated a healing process which is now being directed towards a better sense of self, selfworth and thus net worth. As we feel ourselves to be­—we shall be- come. The more you enter powerful af- firmations into your life, the faster they become second nature to your sub-con- scious, in terms of your ideas about who you are and what you´re worth. As you probably know, if you truly become more, more valuable and more self-worthy, you´ll also resonate easier with serving your cli- entele with higher standards and thus be able to charge more as a completely natu- ral reaction to this new cause. As your cells are now more aligned with the one you really wish to be—they will also be more aligned with less stress and more balance and happiness and thus be- gin to heal themselves according to that improved and upbeat picture you now have of yourself. In the end, your cells literally react to your ideas about yourself and where you´re going. Once you have a sound direction that matches who you really are and a goal in mind that is worthy of yourself (As also explained in Napoleon Hill´s, Think and Grow Rich), you will now emerge as a happier and more content person, able to serve your audience in a much higher and fulfilling way. It is your beliefs and ideas about yourself and your own existence that determines your output and thus outcome and results. Conclusion: By combining your repeated and desired mental picture, sent to your subconscious with an actionable strategy to act upon the given inspiration you´re being sent throughout your day you will soon emerge as the person you´ve always wanted to be, living the life you´ve always wanted to live. If you feel this article has inspired you, never hesitate in sharing it with your loved ones and the professionals you believe would benefit from reading it. Apart from that, always feel free to reach out for more information and concrete, powerful strate- gies. As an extra gift, I have created the unique Step-by-Step Blueprint to High-Ticket Client Attraction which is free for you to download here: http://bit.ly/high-ticket-blueprint Samir Di Johansson High-Ticket Branding Expert www.ExpertsAccountabilityTeam.com achieve@expertsaccountabilityteam.com Healing Your Financials & Health From Within!