IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 5 Issue 5 | Page 12

EXPERTS LANE n FINANCIAL HEALTH Are You FINANCIALLY HEALTHY? By Nesterine Blair, WFG Associate 5. Stay on track with retirement savings. How much you will need will vary by age and circumstance. Do the calcu- lations and see how much you should be setting aside. 6. Make sure your debt load is sustainable. Ensure your expenses are less than 60% of your after-tax income. Set aside 20% for wants and 20% for debt repayment. 7. Don’t carry credit card or other high interest rate debt. There’s typically nothing good about credit card debt, which often leaves you paying for items long after you’ve used them up. F 1. Spend less than you earn. This is the foundation of your financial health. You cannot get out of debt or save for the future if all of your ex- penses eat up your available income. 9. You’re appropriately insured. You want to be properly protected against financial shocks that could wipe you out, including medical bills, lawsuits, natural disasters, or the death of a family member. Health insurance is a must. If you have a ve- hicle you need auto insurance with liability. You likely need life insurance too. 2. How much do you spend on coffee, snacks, lunch, daily? Are you keep- ing track of that amount? The month- ly amount will sometimes surprise you. If you have any questions or need help with any of the above, please give me a call at 321-438-6228 and let’s have a chat and get you on track for GOOD FINAN- CIAL HEALTH. inancial health  is a term used to describe the state of one's person- al financial situation. There are many dimensions to  financial health, in- cluding the amount of savings you have, how much you're putting away for retire- ment and how much of your income you are spending on fixed or non-discretionary expenses. Most Americans have started eating healthier more organic meals and snacks along with exercising to improve their physical health, but they haven’t con- sidered their financial health. Ensuring your finances are healthy will help alleviate unnecessary stress and worry. • You can absorb a financial shock • You're on track to meet your financial goals The concept of financial health also ac- knowledges the forces beyond our con- trol. Just as physical health is a combi- nation of behavior, genes, and access to good medical care, financial health is a result of personal decisions and abilities, in the economy and access to good, unbi- ased financial services and advise. 3. Pay your bills on time. You manage your cash flow and meet your regular financial obligations. Missing pay- ments could cost you money in late fees, hurt your credit, and cause stress. Definitions of financial health typically have three factors in common: • You can manage your day-to-day financial life 10 IBA Success Magazine n VOL 5, Issue 5 4. Create a “decent” emergency fund. You should have at least six months of expenses set aside, but starting with a smaller goal of $1000 could prevent you from a sudden setback with financial shock. Nesterine Blair, Broker Blair Realty Group, Inc., 407-210-3944 NesterineBlair@gmail.com  www.BlairRealtyGroup.Com “Our Experience Will Be Your Best Investment.” ADOBE 8. You have a good credit score. Good credit is a safety net for when you need it and some people treat credit scores as a proxy for financial health.