IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 5 Issue 4 | Page 30

HOSPITALITY & ENTERTAINMENT n WINE & HEALTH Wine I t has been said that “Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverag- es”. I am sure that those in the wine in- dustry would agree. You have probably heard enjoying alcohol in moderation will not kill you, and you may have even heard that it is heart friendly. The French and Italians drink to their health. So, you want to believe that a daily sip is a safe way to unwind. Well, yes …within moderation. There is new enquiry regarding the health benefits of wine. Here are just a few things that you want to know before popping the cork on your next bottle: • IS THE ANSWER… By Laura Dorsey Wine and Cholesterol: Grapes and wine contain polyphenols, substances which act as antioxidants. Thanks to those anti-inflammatory properties, they can help lower bad LDL cholesterol, and boost beneficial HDL cholesterol. • Wine and Diabetes: Recent research reveals that drinking any kind of alcohol, especially wine, may help protect against type 2 diabetes. But you don’t have to be heavy handed to reap the benefits— just one tiny ounce of vino a day may help trim your risk by 20 percent. For many people, a daily glass of wine can be a perfectly healthy habit. Remember that wine only delivers its health benefits when enjoyed in moderation. So, pour a glass of wine and toast to your health. Laura Dorsey Editor, IBA Success Magazine; CEO, www.lauradorsey.net 28 IBA Success Magazine n VOL 5, Issue 4 STOCK • Wine and Heart Health: Red wine has been praised for its heart-health bene- fits, which include preventing blood clots and lowering your blood sugar. So, a glass of red wine once a day may help reduce your risk for heart disease.