IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Issue 4 Volume 4 | Page 35


Standing Out in a Crowded Market

By Dr . Rollan Roberts II

There are few markets as crowded as the real estate market . Most everyone seems to have a friend or relative who has a realtor license . And one of the greatest challenges for real estate professionals ( and all service professionals regardless of industry ) is standing out and separating themselves from the part-timers and hobbyists . All realtors are not created equal though they offer the same service . All house cleaners are not created equal although they offer the same service . All nannies are not created equal although they offer the same service .

What separates the best from the rest is who they are , not what they do . What makes you the best is not merely how efficiently you process contracts , how well you negotiate , or other learned skills . It ’ s who you are . It ’ s your attitude , your demeanor , your spirit , and your ability to communicate , relate , and authentically build relationships . The best in any industry consumes themselves with learning everything they can about everything they do . They form opinions and perspectives based on data , not what they feel or think . They market . They follow up . They ’ re respectful . They do what they say they ’ re going to do . They set expectations and then meet them .
Here are 4 specific steps to immediately stand out in a crowded market :
1 . Rise above the drama . Every industry has it , and service industries take the cake . Everyone is so busy watching what everyone else is doing and then they provide commentary on it . Forget that . You be better . Be so focused on being the best that you don ’ t look at what others in your industry are doing . The best ideas will come from outside your industry . Direct your energy to productive growth strategies and surrounding yourself with the right people . If someone is talking to you about someone else , politely redirect the conversation ; because if they ’ ll talk to you about someone else , they will surely talk to someone else about you .
2 . Set proper expectations . If it ’ s going to take 72 hours , then don ’ t tell them it ’ s going to take a week so you can “ under-promise and over-deliver .” And don ’ t tell them you will do in 48 hours what takes 72 . I know you ’ re thinking you ’ ll wow them ; but wow them by doing it i n 48 hours after you told them 72 , knowing that you can get it done if life goes as planned for the next 48 hours ( good luck with that !). Be on time . Think through travel times and create a margin for meetings going late , traffic , and life — because it happens . Don ’ t over-promise and under-deliver ; promise and deliver .
3 . Create efficient systems . I ’ m known as the Institutional Systems Thinking CEO because I see life and business through a lens of systems . Life is a series of processes that require constant adjusting . There ’ s a process for brushing your teeth , preparing your mouth , the toothbrush , post-brushing , flossing , and proper care of the brush and toothpaste . There ’ s a process for keeping the house clean , the car functioning , and work . For most people , their routine is in a rut that just happened — it was not intentionally created . And that ’ s the difference . You create a system , and a rut creates you ! You make room for exercising , socializing , following up , sales calls , administrative work , family , and faith . You will never achieve the success you desire spinning all these plates as they come . The best professionals have the best systems . It ’ s the only way to guarantee your success and literally put it on autopilot .
4 . Work on you . If you ’ re reading this , then you already are . Magazines like this create and spur your growth . But most won ’ t . They ’ ll try to compensate by working harder , promising more , and ultimately failing . Because it ’ s easier to DO than to BE . You can hide behind activity . The state of being requires vulnerability , and we ’ ve
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