IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Issue 3 Vol 3 | Page 33

It ' s Time to Unplug ... Alexia Written

Benefits of Human Contact vs Social Media connection and are satisfied with technology .
I believe social media was created to bring people together . Whatever your likes , dislikes or interests , likeminded individuals exist and are probably looking to connect as well . Social Media gave people worldwide a voice and a platform to be heard , but as with all positive inventions a little negative will follow . Somewhere along the way things started to change . The mechanism originally designed to be the ultimate unifier began to disconnect us … one app at a time .
Technology has created an endless gateway to entertainment at our fingertips . Unlike a movie or a T . V show , social media never turns off . Therefore it is easy to indulge endlessly . We live in an age where we spend so much time on social media we forget how to enjoy spending time alone or with those who are most important . When was the last time you witnessed a family at dinner where everyone was engrossed in their cell phones ? The problem is increasing , but it doesn ’ t stop there . Our nonstop access to social media affects us emotionally as well because our “ friends ” are allowed to edit their lives to make themselves appear more attractive , well-traveled and desirable .
A life that is editable is favorable over a natural life . Growing up we are often taught not to believe everything we see on TV . However , a global study by the Lab Kaspersky stated that 60 % of social media participants feel jealous of someone supposedly having a better life than them . Witnessing the vacation photos of a friend frolicking on the beach generates jealousy and competitiveness , studies show . This constant attachment to someone else ’ s life can make viewers , with seemingly less glamorous lives , feel sad , lonely and less than . It could even lead to a bout of depression and self -isolation .
Imagine the super model Naomi Campbell being jealous of Barbie . Barbie is an artificial toy . It is one person ’ s vision of beauty . It is not real nor does it grow . It does not have life experiences . Barbie is a manufactured lump of plastic and if it had a social media presence , it would be entirely fabricated ; yet , there are those who would fixate on Barbie ’ s perfect life . Though this analogy might be farfetched , more than half the participants on social media experience feelings of inadequacy based on someone else ’ s fabricated life . Most of the pictures and video clips you see on social media are editable and it ’ s important to keep that in mind .
Over the years I enjoyed watching all of my uncles and aunts and my parents go to their high school reunions . I dreamt of what my reunion would look like reconnecting with old friends and hearing about their lives . Well my classmates and I never had one and I can only assume it was because there was no need to “ catch-up ”. We never stopped seeing each other thanks to social media . Few people really feel the need to have more than a Facebook high school group . With social media you can know personal information about someone ’ s life without personally talking to them . There are some who no longer value the personal
Meeting up with friends and human interaction as a whole is vitally important . It is extremely healthy for our bodies , and our minds . Human contact helps us to bond with one another and helps us to develop compassion for our fellow man . A hug , for example , is just one of the many ways we can keep human contact alive . It is scientifically proven that hugs keep us healthy , happy and balanced . When two people hug the hormone called oxytocin is released in the body . This creates a warm fuzzy and safe feeling inside . This element is so important in order to create bonds with one another . Hugging is known to lower blood pressure . It is proven to decrease fears and feelings of loneliness , according to DePauw , University psychologist Mat Hertenstien . Hugs are a natural stress reliever . It reduces the amount of cortisol hormone in your body and gets rid of tension . It sends calming signals to the brain and social media robs us of those benefits . Social media is also equipped to talk for us so we don ’ t have to .
It has created generic responses for us that simplify our true feelings . There are hundreds of emotions we humans have but through social media our emotions are reduced to emoji ’ s , symbols and abbreviations .
When my nephew was in kindergarten he would not say the word “ yes ”. Instead he would respond with a ‘ thumbs up ’. We got a note from the teacher saying we need to encourage him to use his words so as not to cause communication problems in the future . The habit of being nonverbal is becoming a normal part of society . Each year there is a decline in phone calls due to social media . Today , 31 % of parents are more likely to text their children before calling their children . Families , spouses , friends , coworkers ... etc . are more likely to choose texting over verbal communication . Many people only text or email and dislike talking overall . Talking brings clarity and lessens the chance of being misunderstood . Talking helps to sort through things and helps us to come up with solutions . Verbal communications with one another helps to build friendships and trust in a way that cannot be recreated through social media .
Now imagine living in a world where the only function of a cell phone is to make emergency contact , where tablets are obsolete , where computers are only used for writing assignments and research . Can you see your loved ones playing board games together , having enlightening conversations around real subject matter , making a spontaneous phone call to that friend you haven ’ t seen in over twelve years and meeting up for coffee ? I invite you to put down the device and be present . Slow down before this fast paced society passes you by . Hug a neighbor , get to know a stranger , live life through your own experiences and embrace your individuality . Together we can heal the population of depression , loneliness , and many other rising mental / physical health issues using only what was given to us at birth . It ’ s time to step away from the screens ; it ’ s time to unplug .